– I select a single file,
– right-click, and choose Avast’s Scan [filename]
– A dialog box appears, and next to the “Tested Files” entry it lists more than one file.
What does this mean? I’ve gotten “tested files” numbers > 1 for .doc, .pdf, .class,
and .jpg files so far.
The Tested Files, represents the total elements/files scanned, in the case of .doc files each file consists of several parts in that one .doc file, macros, etc. avast scans all of those and reports the total.
So if there are archives, etc. being scanned then all files extracted are counted as they will have been scanned.
So it is pretty normal to see that, see image example of 1 .doc file scanned using the right click scan.
Thanks…I had thought it might be something like that for the .doc and .pdf files,
but was confused by the .class and .jpg files. Couldn’t see why there would
be sub-objects in these.
Would be a cool feature perhaps to add a “See More…” item in the dialog box,
for educational purposes.