George Ou’s column has it’s own bias, which has not gone uncommented upon on the blog:
Hey at least for these IE flaws, no matter how serious, there's evidence that they actually exist. That's got to make them more serious than mysterious made up exploits that are never released or proven, right?
Your reaction is kind of stunning really. The most biased columnist on ZDNet is shocked to see what he considers bias in the reporting of others. Luckily, you’re here for us George, to be completely unbiased, to never promote one company’s product over another’s. To see things clearly and fairly, to never bias your data to help support your pre-established conclusions. Upon your death, sainthood awaits.
Perhaps you’ll look deeply into the anger you feel over this issue and it will help you understand how many others feel when they read your columns. Or perhaps you’ll remain willfully ignorant of your own flaws and you’ll just keep motoring along, full speed and bias ahead.
Posted by: tic swayback
(George Ou was quick to jump on the recent ‘zero-day Friefox exploit’ hoax:
Here’s another interesting comment:
It was a nice, selective bit of quoting when George said
“Firefox has three of these 2-rated vulnerabilities unpatched and two of them are two years old (here and here)”
Well George is right. In he’s more than right because these vulnernabilities will never be patched. Why? Because they are for Firefox 0.9 which is no longer supported. Given the fact that he is moaning about the media tailoring the story to suit their own prejudices, maybe he should take a dose of his own medicine.
Next time George, click on the detail link in the report. For your edification here are the summaries.
"Mozilla Firefox 0.9.2 allows web sites to set cookies for country-specific top-level domains, such as,, and, which could allow remote attackers to perform a session fixation attack and hijack a user’s HTTP session.
The Apple Java plugin, as used in Netscape 7.1 and 7.2, Mozilla 1.7.2, and Firefox 0.9.3 on MacOS X 10.3.5, when tabbed browsing is enabled, does not properly handle SetWindow(NULL) calls, which allows Java applets from one tab to draw to other tabs and facilitates phishing attacks that spoof tabs."
Posted by: bportlock