Meltdown & Spectre patches not available because of Avast. ETA for a solution?


Microsoft will not allow users to install its security patches against Meltdown & Spectre if the anti-virus on the users’ desktop did not update against these major threats first. Avast claims it updated. However, I did not receive my Microsoft’s patches yet. I am on Windows 10. I just uninstalled and reinstalled avast but it is still not working. This is my current avast version 17.9.2322.

When will Avast update on all the computers?
How can I allow avast to enable me to receive Microsoft’s patches ?

I just verified this today. While my Windows 7 machines have the proper registry entry, my Windows 10 laptop does not.

Everything is updated, and I expect to get the Meltdown / Spectre patches from Microsoft for Windows 7 on patch Tuesday 01/09/2018.

I expected to be able to install the patch for Windows 10 today, but Windows Update claims that my system is already up to date.

ETA for a fix?

I have Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (1709). I checked my registry and the “QualityCompat” key was set according to the Microsoft bulletin. Just for grins I decided to uninstall Avast and restart. I did a manual update check for software updates for Windows 10 and am now getting the security update! I have sen other folks say the same thing! Apparently the Windows Defender virus software is necessary. Microsoft says it is trying to protect against Blue Screen of Death from some antivirus software.