message d'erreur

:cry: au secour !!!
je n’arrive plus a ouvrir mon antivirus preferer!!
il me dit que le sous system AAVM a detecter une erreur RPC
j’aplique la procedure conseiller mais ca ne sert a rien
alors si vous avez la solution merci

Can you speak english please ???

au secour !!!
je n’arrive plus a ouvrir mon antivirus preferer!!
il me dit que le sous system AAVM a detecter une erreur RPC
j’aplique la procedure conseiller mais ca ne sert a rien
alors si vous avez la solution merci

Here is the (approximated) translation:

I cannot open my favorite Antivirus any more!
The computer says that the sub-system (not sure about the translation) has detected a RPC error.
I apply the procedure advised but it does not work.

Let me known if you have the solution. Thank you!

Thank you math for the translation :slight_smile:
Now ordi@9, have you tried to repair avast! ?

Try a repair of avast. Add Remove programs, avast! Anti-Virus, Change/Remove button and scroll down to Repair, click next and follow. You need to be on-line to do this.

If that doesn’t work try, uninstall, reboot, install, reboot.

You may find this link helpful for the future -
Vous pouvez trouver ce lien utile à l’avenir -

Essayez une réparation d’avast. Ajoutez enlèvent des programmes, avast ! Le bouton d’Anti-Virus, de Change/Remove et le rouleau vers le bas à la réparation, cliquent après et suivent. Vous devez être en ligne pour faire ceci.

Si cela ne fonctionne pas l’essai, uninstall, réinitialisation, installez, rechargez.

hey DavidR , is it a babelfish translation or did you learn french at school ? :wink: That’s not bad exept the “rouleau” wich is certainly a “menu déroulant” ;D

Thanks for trying to speak in french (even if it’s an english forum!)

It is a babelfish translation and not perfect by any means, but for the most part it is probably understandable. If you were trying to follow the babelfish translation would you be able to do as it suggests?

I don’t do it on every occasion, it is mainly to let people know about the babelfish site if they would have difficulty explaining in English.

Make sure that the Avast anti-virus service wasn’t stopped.