from time to time Avast (free) reports xx unused applications, yy old apps, zz performance problems.
As I don’t want to delete them all at once, I first want to check out which objects are related to this message.
Thank you. I get 46 “problems”. Clicking on details shows 3 groups of problem cases.
Your link says “Review the files and programs identified by Cleanup for removal and uncheck the items that you want to keep” - fine, but there is nothing to select/uncheck the objects.
In november I updated Avast free to the new version with a new GUI.
I had no license for GrimeFighter and never asked for a licence for Cleanup.
But I see “nach Leistungsproblemen scannen” aka “performance problems” in the new menue. And get automatically produced messages as reported.
What’s that - a function that requires a licence is available but doesn’t work?
And again my question from #1:
from time to time Avast (free) reports xx unused applications, yy old apps, zz performance problems. Is this a message from a function that is NOT installed/activated?
I have no time to play these games - if Avast changes into this unbelievable way, I will change to another tool. Sorry.
Excerpt from the FAQ:The program is included in Avast […] Scanning to see if your system needs a cleanup is free, but performing a system cleanup requires a paid activation code.
Basically, if you don’t need/want it, just disable/deinstall the module.