Micro Management Systems Called

The people at Micro Management Systems called and said that my computer needs to be rebuilt, this time with a new 600 MB RAM instead of 256 and a new hard drive (which probably may have more disk space). So looks like I’m going to have to start over from scratch. The cost is said to be $130.

It appears that the whole system was failing.

Maybe instead of spending money on an old system it might be time to
invest in a new computer. ???

Remember, an upgraded (old) computer is still only an old computer.

Well I don’t know where they are going to get 600MB of RAM as 512MB would be the nearest new stick size, unless they are going to add a 128MB stick and I doubt that would be a modern piece of RAM as I don’t think they build them that small now ;D

If the whole system is failing, as Bob said it is effectively false economics to keep patching an old system. I’m surprised they didn’t mention the CPU.

I have to say I would be suspicious of this quote, RAM seems to work flawlessly until is fails (usually it fails/doesn’t work when first installed), there doesn’t seem to be any middle ground. A hard disk is much the same, you may get some warning of a failing hard disk. Both of these replacements aren’t difficult and most users with care can do them and probably get a better deal on parts and no labour charges.

You can probably get a reasonable recent second user system for not much more than what they are suggesting to replace two components. Or you could get a new system which is much faster than the one you have without paying ridiculous money.

They may have mentioned the mobo as well, i think. After I used an air compressor can I bought at Wal-Mart for $4.99 (I think) unless the air compressor can was not made to dust out a desktop. Last time, they replaced the whole power unit after the old one burned out.

The whole system was manufactured by Selectronix in Hazlehurst, GA.

If they did mention a mobo as well you are virtually replacing the system less the CPU, so there really is little point in doing that use this as a prompt to get a newer one (for not much more than this repair) or a new system (at a price point that isn’t unreasonable), both of which will give you better performance for the cost of repair.

My PC returned from the shop and they removed PC Tools Firewall, SpywareBlaster, and SuperAntiSpyware, saying I have too many anti-viruses.

That’s irrelevant. PC Tools Firewall, SpywareBlaster, and SuperAntiSpyware are not anti-viruses.

What a bunch of plonkers.

Nothing there is classed as an anti-virus, which just shows their level of competence or lack of it.

SpywareBlaster is inert so gets in the way of nothing.
PC Tools Firewall, stating the sodding obvious is a firewall.
SuperAntiSpyware is as it says on the tin an anti-spyware application and even if the Pro version (which have) doesn’t represent any conflict. Especially if it is the free version which is on-demand.

If these so called technicians had removed any software of my system they would have felt the sharp end of my tongue. That however, would have been unlikely as I wouldn’t have taken it in there in the first place.

Note: just check my signature.

::slight_smile: maybe they don’t investigate what the effect of that important security software
or maybe they don’t like it :smiley:
or maybe they cannot enter scripted files to your system :smiley:

Hopefully you didn’t pay them. >:(

Well like you said I should be investing into a new computer but it will have to wait until the next tax refund comes which will be by the end of January 2011, because my parents just got a laptop (an Acer to be exact) and it has Windows 7. By the way, My Parents’ PC’s CPU has been overclocked since we had a power surge last night while my younger brother was over for a visit. It had an error something like this at bootup:

“Cmos Checksum error”

“Warning! CPU has been changed or CPU ratio change failed. Please re-enter CPU settings”

:smiley: memory battery cell run out of power, drive it to change all the settings. :smiley:
including chip set setting