Microsoft Antimalware\Local Copy\ ... aswCleanerDLL.dll Win32:Blaster-C [Wrm]

Running Avast for Business and this has been Quarantined on several of my computers during Quick Scans.
From initial investigation on these forums it appears that this actually part of the Avast program.

Has anyone else ran across this? Does Avast Recommend to remove these files from quarantine?

Have you ever used the avast! Virus Cleaner Tool on these computers? >>

a old tool for removing network worms, file seems to be from that tool

It seems to be detected inside a Microsoft security program?

Microsoft Antimalware\Local Copy\ … aswCleanerDLL.dll Win32:Blaster-C [Wrm]

has it previous been detected by that program and is detected in that programs quarantine?
Do you have the full file path?