microsoft Error SL9DW61

I have just tuned on my laptop and immediatly got a
microsoft warning ( ErrorSL9DW61) with free ph no +61-180-087-5366
I live in New Zealand and that no is not working for me.
It also says its a critical Alert if I close their page my computer access will be disabled to prevent damage to their network.
I run windows 10 with avast antivirus and am on 20 day trial as am normally on free version.
I also run Malwares antimalware (free version ) and use ccleaner regularly I wrote in a few days ago as I had a malware virua which put aaabout 160 of my files in chest but was told ifs a false positive but all the chest files when i went to refresh them already back in computer??? hope someone can help me quickly and do i close computer ???

Sounds like a scam…

If you need/want a check, attach your basic diagnostic logs. (MBAM and FRST)

It is a HTML:FakeAlert

Post URL here so it can be added to blacklisting

more info

If you google the phone number you find lots of additional info

Im not too sure how to get to the logs to updare with this new avast system I’m sorry could you give me ( iinstructions for dummies) Its a bit difficult with windows 10 as well harder to figure out these days.

Just copy and pasted the above URL related to this site.
thanks also googled it as as yuou know its fake site so should I follow the Uninstall options on the “remove system”?

click the link Asyn posted and follow instructions

You already have Malwarebytes, if anything is detected attach log
The download Farbar Recovery Scan Tool, run as instructed and attach the two diagnostic logs

a malware expert will then check logs. He may not be online before tomorrow

It is indeed a scam, I blocked the URL :wink:

Great, thanks Honza. :slight_smile:

it seems the URL will download a JS script so i recomend running FRST for a check here

Thanks heaps for the "virus total " info. have joined and the java file seems to be ok, will look at a few more files.
have asked on their forum, will ask here as well. What does a 0/55 detection ratio mean, ?
and I sent a Malware anti maleware scan result its not here so assume its been sent to them?

Zero out of 55 detections = 0/55.

There are 55 different scans run against the file you upload the first figure is the number of detections, in your case zero.

Thanks ;D
Have a great day

You’re welcome.

and I sent a Malware anti maleware scan result its not here so assume its been sent to them?
Huh ??? ? ? ?

I did a scan a few days ago with Malware-anti malware.
The scan did pick up an issue with java set up and put that into chest.
I did a copy & past with the info to this forum, but It wasn’t here (which I thought was weird) the next day. hence my comment.
Not sure what happened there but all seems good now. and are running files through (virus total ) as i need to.
Thanks again for you help’

I googled your forum to log in here and the first three at least on that page where warnings about Avast ?? whats up, ???