Missing emails... Could avast be responsible?

I receive regular mail from a organisation that receives, analyses and sends on to relevant authorities scam emails. I am a volunteer analyst with them. The detail sent to me is in an attachment, and the contents of the attachment may appear pretty “iffy” as it contains the headers of up to twenty suspected scam emails.

Frequently the emails simply don’t turn up, in my in-box or the spam folder. In an effort to get around this problem the emails are now sent to two addresses, one being with my ISP and the other with gmail. Yet those that don’t arrive don’t show up to either address.

I have Avast Pro and the standard Windows Firewall. (I also have Malwarebytes, Spywareblaster and MRT, but to my knowledge the latter three are either passive or don’t screen emails.)

Bill in Oz.

Can anyone offer any advice, in particular, whether Avast Pro may be a cause? Neither I nor the sender get any report giving a reason for non delivery and the sender does not get a bounce message.

avast can only stop mail arriving at your desktop, not your ISP or Gmail. Even then the mail would be in the spam folder.

Thanks Adrian. That was my assumption, but as I can’t find a reason I am beginning to clutch at straws.

Many mail server have built in spam/virus protection.

I receive regular mail from a organisation that receives, analyses and sends on to relevant authorities scam emails. I am a volunteer analyst with them. The detail sent to me is in an attachment, and the contents of the attachment may appear pretty "iffy" as it contains the headers of up to twenty suspected scam emails.
Ask if they can send it in a zipped and password protected attachment and see if that changes anything

That could be worth a try. Pondus, I’ll discuss it with my contact at the agency.

Asyn, my last mail from my source in Texas was routed through Chicago and then on to me in Australia. I think on occasions their mail is routed through several other places along the way. Are you saying it could have been blocked at any of those locations? I’ve only spoken to my own ISP here in Australia.

  1. hey avast can only block the mail from downloading or arriving at you desktop or any folders, it cannot block your email .


Basically, yes. Anyway, Pondus’ suggestion should work.