missing invoice

Hi, can any1 help?
I’ve deleted an e mail with my invoice, forgot my order nr and password. My accountant is killing me atm.
Could some1 from the support resend it to me (the invoice)? I’ve ordered avast cleaner on 4th of june 2018.


contact avast >> https://support.avast.com/

Tried it, I would like some1 from the forum admins to help me out.

I have reported it to Avast - did you use the same email address that you are using for the forums ?

If so it just makes it easier for them to find.

This is a good reminder to have a backup and recovery strategy in place to avoid this kind of problem.

Yes, I used the same e-mail address.

OK, hopefully you will get a response from one of the Avast Team soon.

Good morning,

Unfortunately, I still have not received that invoice.
Is there any other way?

Unfortunately as an avast user like yourself, I’m limited in what I can do. Other than using the support ticket system, but you said you tried it, we don’t know exactly what you tried and what response you got, if any.

I don’t know how much the Avast Cleanup is, but when I was self-employed I could submit a self-certified expenditure for a product or service provided it wasn’t over the limit for such an entry.

I would have used the license number for the product in that self-certified expenditure. I would also have made a copy of the product cost from the avast website alongside the license number to support your reported cost/expenditure.

I don’t know why your accountant is busting your stones, I thought s/he is there to help you, after all your are paying them (handsomely) for their services.

Hi, see: https://support.avast.com/article/24/