I literally just made an account to point a typo on the site’s Avast SafeZone Browser FAQ.
The last question under the troubleshooting category contains the word “Broswer” which one could safely assume is supposed to be “Browser”. I’ve added the url to the specific question in the included postscript.
This situation I currently find myself in poses two quite interesting questions.
1. How can Avast! let such a (admittedly small and unimportant) typo slip through?
Avast! was valued at $1 billion in 2014. Is it an acceptable business practice for a company of this size to skip spellchecking their FAQs considering how customer support has become a vital function of a tech company that markets itself directly to private consumers? Then again, humans make mistakes from time to time and this is among the smallest and most inconsequential mistakes one can make.
2. Why did I register an account and spend my limited time (I’m in medschool + work a part time job) to point out such a trivial mistake?
The fact that I took time out of my busy schedule to write this makes me question my own judgement more than the poor worker who typed that FAQ. But in my defense, I’m writing this in the middle of the night because I suffer from insomnia and at this hour I’d do just about anything to avoid the anxiety of looking at the massive stack of textbooks I have to memorize.
Woe is me!
My sincere and warmest regards,
a customer who has used your free software for years and thus never provided you with any profit. (Sorry, am poor but working on not being poor).
P.S. The url for the question containing the aforementioned typo: https://www.avast.com/faq.php?article=AVKB209#idt_340