module is not initialized internal program error

I read all the other posts on this, but I found no help. It has been over 20 days, so does anyone have an answer yet? I tried uninstalling, and my computer will not let me. I finally fot my HP Advisor to work again, but Avast still will not let me run a scan or do anything else.

welcome to the forum. just take a deep breath and begin from the beginning what program have you problem uninstall?

what os you using?
which version of avast you using the latest?

i suggest you try revo uninstaller for the program in question.

if it is malware elated try a scan with malwarebytes antimalware as a first step.

download, install, update and do a scan.

don’t forget to remove what it finds, plus a reboot of your system might be necessary.

good luck and let us know on the progress or if you need more support.

Answer to what…???
This is your first post on the forum. ::slight_smile: :wink:

Sorry, I wrote more, but it most not have posted. I had an issue with my HP Advisor, that’s fixed. I keep getting the error message about an internal error. There were posts earlier about it, but no one ever seemed to answer how to fix the error message. Avast will not run a scan or even update. How do I fix this?

what AV where you using before you installed avast ?
have you removed it ?
how did you remove it ?

Ok, ran the malware. No luck, nothing malicious found. I don’t know what program is causing the error, so I don’t know what to uninstall.

Current version of AV is 110702-2 for virus def. and for program is 6.0.1203. I don’t know what all this means. I was not able to uninstall it last time. I just reinstalled over it, I think.

Sorry, but no idea, what you want to know.
Could you please answer Pondus’ questions.
I add 2 more:

  • Which avast…?
  • Wich OS…?