More bad news for Vista??

FAA May Ditch Vista For Linux

If true, This could be bad news for Microsoft.

The key word here is 'May" Which is a long way away from “Will”
Before this happens, there is still the big “IF” :slight_smile:

I hope they do go with Linux. Linux or Mac it does not matter as long as its not windows :slight_smile:

Agreed, But “if” this were to happen I think it could hurt MS a good deal.

Doesn’t surprise me. Will be interesting to see what happens. :wink:

It has been seeming that people misuse the word “may”! >:(

Companies seem to misuse this word and thus “may” means will or at least 99 percent! >:(

Not an “if” anymore:

Federal agencies ban Windows Vista

Not quite… :slight_smile: