Most dangerous countries to visit online...

Well back to the original topic, I’m surprised China isn’t in the most dangerous countries, unless I just missed it.

??? ??? ???
I always visit websites online but would never do so without avast! :slight_smile:

Spammer alert.

Hi every one.
4 Logos: i come here last year in august and i was thinking i am so good in computers,i start following polonus and asking him and he start PM ing me and guideing me to things never see before,last year maybe my nickname was "superhacker"just a nickname but now and thanks to polonus who put me on the road i am a real superhacker in this world,By the way "with my big respect"Essexboy"is not the only malware fighter here. :wink:
Take care
4 polonus:
You dont have to reply to Logos may he have some self problems so please dont give him an ear he dont deserve it.

please, just avoid telling me anything related to you, or your opinion of others, I’m just not interested :wink: >>> and mind your own business okay?

off-topic guys…

Logos, you know I’m not a professional IT-man nor a computer geek but I’m a member of this community. I’m constantly reading posts here, I’m following almost all links posted here by more experienced users, I’m IT-educating myself here and in other IT-forums.

And I want to tell you some words: “Please, just avoid telling me and other users YOUR opinion of others. I and other users, we’re just NOT interested. OK?”

That what we all need from Logos

ridiculous, all the way… ;D :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: sheep worshiping the same idol ;D

…do well brothers :slight_smile: (well there must be some affiliations right?)

Logos, please, be more accurate in choosing words. Russian scientist and writer Ivan Efremov defined words like yours in one of his novels: “Swearing are words on the lower level of mental development that are considered offensive to those whom they are addressed to.”

Don’t make me come to a conclusion about the level of your mental development, please.

Seriously…there is the ECC, if a argument must be had.
No need to carry on here, has nothing to do with support forum