Hello, :
I am really struggling here. After the last update 4.6.731 I am having real big problems. I do hope you can help. ???
I run Windows 98 SE
Zone Alarm
8768MB free disk space
I have not had any problems with AVAST HOME EDITION 4.6 until this latest update 4.6.731. I first installed Avast in January 2005
When I click on program update all goes OK, download window, installation window until the summary window comes up and my mouse with egg timer disappear and my computer freezes. I tried a repair of Avast. This didn’t work. I have un-installed and re-installed Avast home edition and the problem still exists. What it means is that I cannot update my antivirus without losing mouse and the computer freezing. I have to turn the computer off from the tower. Ctrl/ Alt delete does not work.
I have not installed anything else on my computer for months. I have been running Zone Alarm free edition for 5 years.
If there is any other info you need so that I can be helped with this problem please let me know.
Awaiting your help