MS Outlook

I have a version of MS Office (Office 14 whatever that means) that I acquired in 2010, and am surprised at not being able to find it on Explorer.
Although I use Mozilla Thunderbird, I was reminded by the fact that MS keeps updating MS Outllook for my machine to check it out.
It must be there somewhere, surely?

This should answer your question:
Microsoft Office 2010 (codenamed Office 14) is a version of the Microsoft Office productivity suite for Microsoft Windows.
To find it, click on start and scroll down to Microsoft Office 2010

Hi Bob you are having problems with text size again size=2px when it should presumably been size=2. I have corrected the quote above and it looks fine to me.

Thanks David,
One of these days they’ll fix this forum so that when you copy and paste something you don’t also need to change it’s font size to 10.
Maybe the default font size should be set to 10 ???

No problem, I’ve not bumped into any size issues on my copy and paste stuff, weird.

Unless what you are coping has an underlying font size code that isn’t converted or converted incorrectly when pasted into the forum.

“This should answer your question:
Microsoft Office 2010 (codenamed Office 14) is a version of the Microsoft Office productivity suite for Microsoft Windows.
To find it, click on start and scroll down to Microsoft Office 2010”

Thanks Bob, that was the first thing I did but was surprised not to find MS Outlook in the drop-down list of 10 items under Microsoft Office (not - it does not say it is “10”, but simply Microsoft Office .
On its package it says “Office Home and Student 2010” and it lists Word, Excel, Power Point, One Note. Nothing else.

On this edition there is no Outlook I discover, so why does MS send updates for it on this computer?
To save space I should find those updates and de-install them, since I would have to pay to get Outlook it seems.

Yes Bob, you did answer my question, thank you. However I should have rephrased it. I meant that I could not find Outlook . I knew where MS Office was and wondered why I couldn’t find Outlook in it. As I said, I was not aware until yesterday after looking at the pack I bought of Office 2010…that it did not include Outlook…duh :cry:
Might as well get rid of the Outlook updates I keep getting, the installation of which mislead me into thinking that Outlook was lurking there somewhere.