I tried Avast! a while ago and I think it is the best AV I have ever used. I have a question regarding liscencing of the home version. I have four computers in my house, all of them running Avast! and my evaluation licenses are expiring. I registered twice for a home license and recieved the same key. My question is, do I only need to register once and use the same key on all my copies? If not, how do I go about getting different keys for each copy?
You can use avast! 4 Home Edition on all your home computers which aren’t used for any profit. You need only one license key for all of them.
If you register our robot will send the license key to the specified E-mail box and it’ll be “nearly” same for the same E-mail - we count them as one customer, one user.
Thanks for clearing that up. Most software I have used (including freeware ones) required a seperate lisence for all computers. None of my computers are used for profit. In the future, I am planning on buying a copy of Avast! Pro for my “server” computer to do my part to support you guys ;), since I consider your product to be great.