Multiple devices added for Anti Theft none of which can be used

Tried to add and register anti theft to my new mobile and kept coming up with an error when registering. Now I have multiple devices on all with red shields and I can do nothing with them. Can’t delete them, can’t update information on them. Basically they are just taking up screen space and are useless (see attached screen print). Does anyone have a solution?

After clicking on device is there (at right corner ) Settings >> delete ?

The devices are all blank, there is nothing to click.

Hi peter490,

we will provide delete button also for these kind of corrupted devices in the list.
It will be released during this week.


Thanks, I will look out for it. Is it worth trying to load Avast anti theft on my new phone and registering it again once this is sorted or is that particular product no longer working?

Hello again,

sure it is. Multiple blank devices in your account were caused only by wrong registering of the device.
And it should be already fixed.

Best Regards,
