Multiple Email Accounts

I would like to configure avast!4 Home edition for use with multiple email accounts. I am particularly interested in protecting incoming email, though I welcome suggestions for using multiple smtp accounts as well.

My email software program is called Poco, a very good shareware program. I am very familiar with configuring POP3 and SMTP settings.

Can someone tell me how to configure avast!4 and/or my email program for protecting more than the one default email account?

Thank you in advance!


There are some information in help files about configuration of Internet Mail (POP3 and SMTP) both for manual and automatic configuration.

avast! supports multiplies mail acounts in many e-mail clients (Outlook, Outlook Express, Incredimail, etc.).

You can run Mail Protection Wizard too.
After that, could you tell us if you get some trouble. Thanks. :wink:

Wellcome to the foruns… ;D

Hi Ron,

As Technical say’s all the info for configuration is in the help files. I’m not familiar with your e-mail client and I’ll take a guess that the Avast wizard won’t do the job. :-\

Basically it’s just a matter of setting your pop and smtp to run through the ‘local host’ ( and then adding a hash symbol (#) plus your pop / smtp details to the end of your isp user name. So your pop3 smtp settings will be and your username will be

You also need to make sure the Avast .ini file identifies your pop & smtp in the Mail Scanner section…


All of this is well documented in the 'Manual configaration section of the help files. But the guy’s here will help if you need more info and correct me if I’ve got it wrong/missed anything.

Good luck

Technical and Walker,

Thanks for your responses Technical, I like your picture . . . we must be twins!

I had been through the Help files, but still couldn’t quite figure out how to configure my email program (Poco) for multiplbe accounts. Walker was correct, the Wizard did not work with a non-Outlook client. Walker’s description with a more specific illustration of how the modifications would look did the trick for me. avast! is now protecting all of my email accounts! Thank you avast!

Perhaps the help file could be edited to utilize the explanation Walker provided.



Technical looks even better in real life ::slight_smile: ;D

Glad you got it working, I’ve found the guy’s on here will always help.

I hope Avast serves you long and well.


Ok, I’m happy you could configure your system. But, I think you (both) forget something: Mail Protection Wizard really works with another email clients. Follow:

  1. Close all your email applications.
  2. Start Menu > avast! antivirus > Mail Protection Wizard
  3. Click Next on the first screen
  4. Choose ‘Setup the protection manually’
  5. Choose ‘I don’t use MS Outlook (nor MS Exchange client) or I use other programs to work with e-mails as well
  6. After the service was disabled, choose Next
  7. Select your e-mail accounts (or ‘My accounts is not in the list…’ to get help)
  8. Finish your configuration and the service will start again.

I try to do my best… :wink:

Hi Tech,

I’m sure your correct and the help files do list a few of the popular clients that should be auto configured ::).

I mostly use Pegasus which IS on the list, but since a few updates back, the auto config and/or wizard won’t configure it :-\ and I have tried a FEW times. :‘( :’(

I do not have reasons to be sorry. This is a new feature of avast! 4.1
Although, RonSanford uses a program called Poco that is not at the supported ones. Only manual configuration will let avast! working with it. ;D


Sorry pal, I’ve lost your plot, I thought that was what I’d said ;D ;D ;D