Just using Avast! Pro since yesterday and found out it’s a incredible program…
But i have some problems…
I used AVG Pro for a long time, and since my pc is shared with all family (6 users total), and everyone has their own email account (from different ISPs) on AVG I was able to configure the Email scanner to protect each one of them…
But I only found on Avast! how to protect one single account… some of my family use Opera, others Eudora is there a way to protect all pop3 accounts ?? maybe changing all to “Outlook Espresshit” ?
Thanks for the help !!
No, avast can protect as many accounts as you want (for pop3/smtp server accounts).
Close all your email clients (programs)
Start Menu > avast antivirus > Mail Protection Wizard
Follow the non Outlook/Exchange option (i.e., the second one).
You can choose the supported email programs and select all the accounts
(even the ones created in the future).
I already try this…
On the “Select email account” only appears Outlook Express accounts and on the next screen I can choose wich pop or smtp account I wanna use… but i can choose only one… should I run the wizard two times selecting one diferente pop account each time ?
Do I have to do this in every user ??
I chance my avast4.ini file to work with opera, should i back to the default ??
No, do not mess the ‘default’ email account (used to send files to Alwil Software for analisys, for instance) and the other Outlook Express accounts.
You can choose other email clients either… :
No, in Outlook Express part of the Mail Protection Wizard should be shown ‘all’ email accounts (in Windows 98). In Windows XP, as I have only one user, I’m not sure, maybe you can test.
Can you post that part of avast4.ini file (remove personal data, please).
I use Foxmail which is not supported by default by avast (which is also the case for opera). You just have to be sure that the E-mail scanner service is running for each user : you have to loggin as each user. For each e-mail account the pop and smtp servers have to be set to
For the accounts in your e-mail software :
POP : account#pop.myserver.com
if you have smtp authentication :
SMTP : account#smtp.myserver.com
if not :
SMTP : #smtp.myserver.com
For more details see “Setting up the mail protection” and “Manual setting of mail protection”.
And on Opera I change the pop and smtp servers to… its working fine… but just for me… for the others users isn’t working…
and you make no change to the pop User Name then avast! will only scan mail that is retrieved from mail.myserver.com.
The key to using different accounts and different ISP’s is to modify the pop User Name by adding “#otheriisp.com” to the end of the current pop user name.
If the other users on your pc use different ISP’s or pop servers you must change (in their mail client) the pop server to and their pop User name to TheirUserName#TheirPopServer.
(If the other users have their own logon to say Win XP also verify that avast! is Resident Shield is running for them when they logon.)
Thanks! I am a new user of avast! but really impresed with the program AND the great support everyone gives here. I will try to provide any support I can on issues concerning the Internet Mail provider since that is an area I understand pretty well having messed around with antispam proxies for years.