Hi, I’ve been using Avast! for a while now, but just joined this forum literally a few minutes ago to post this.
I was on a legitimate website, DemonHunter.net, the site for a Christian Metal band, when I tried to go into their e-card section: hxxp://www.demonhunter.net/ecard/ (please replace “xx” with “tt” in “hxxp”).
I’m not really sure who to contact, as there is no clearly defined “webmaster” in the Contact box. Here are the three people/groups I could try contacting:
“Affected:” does not include my OS, Windows 7, but then again, it doesn’t include Vista, either, and I doubt that’s because it isn’t affected (most likely hasn’t been updated recently…)
So, what should I do? Who should I contact? There is no “drive-by download”, as far as I know. It’s most likely just a Flash- or Java-based interactive e-Card maker, and I’m not downloading any program to my computer, right?
Gah, Linux wouldn’t be having this problem, but I have not enough space to dual-boot…
Just a little more info on the infection that is reported.
After the closing html tags on the page, there are 2 hidden, 0x0 iframes that point to known malicious sites. These are the reason that avast is alerting, and either one of them alone will cause a detection.
Gee, thanks, I’ve already stated that I don’t know how to contact them!
Go to the Contact part of their site, there is no clearly defined “webmaster”. Perhaps contacting info@demonhunter.net would be the best choice? What do you guys think?
# whois demonhunter.net
Administrative Contact:
Awad, Sherry md83d3r359s@networksolutionsprivateregistration.com
Tooth and Nail Records
care of Network Solutions
PO Box 459
Drums, PA 18222