Music artist e-card site blocked?

Hi, I’ve been using Avast! for a while now, but just joined this forum literally a few minutes ago to post this.

I was on a legitimate website,, the site for a Christian Metal band, when I tried to go into their e-card section: hxxp:// (please replace “xx” with “tt” in “hxxp”).

I’m not really sure who to contact, as there is no clearly defined “webmaster” in the Contact box. Here are the three people/groups I could try contacting:

  • Management (ie for the band)
  • The Blessed Resistance (DH community)
  • Demon Hunter (

I think either TBR or Info would be my best bet.

When I try to access this portion of the site, avast! gives this error:

Who do you think I should contact to notify of this error?

“Affected:” does not include my OS, Windows 7, but then again, it doesn’t include Vista, either, and I doubt that’s because it isn’t affected (most likely hasn’t been updated recently…)

So, what should I do? Who should I contact? There is no “drive-by download”, as far as I know. It’s most likely just a Flash- or Java-based interactive e-Card maker, and I’m not downloading any program to my computer, right?

Gah, Linux wouldn’t be having this problem, but I have not enough space to dual-boot…

The webmaster of the site…!

Hi FuRrY321, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Just a little more info on the infection that is reported.

After the closing html tags on the page, there are 2 hidden, 0x0 iframes that point to known malicious sites. These are the reason that avast is alerting, and either one of them alone will cause a detection.

avast! is also not the only one that detects this:
(text file containing the iframes)


Gee, thanks, I’ve already stated that I don’t know how to contact them!
Go to the Contact part of their site, there is no clearly defined “webmaster”. Perhaps contacting would be the best choice? What do you guys think?

Yeah that may be the best bet to get hold of them, or maybe the management one…

Sorry, but we don’t know their webmaster, either. :wink:
Try the info address, I guess they will know who to contact.

# whois

Administrative Contact:
Awad, Sherry
Tooth and Nail Records
care of Network Solutions
PO Box 459
Drums, PA 18222

Thank you!