Why all the sudden I have to create an account to register? I thought this account feature is optional, so is it or not?
I am not going to register accounts with passwords for customers.
I do not have time in my day for discussions about “what password do you want for your AV sir?”
“Here is your AV password sir…”
I just need to be able to click register and put only name and email like before.
Hi Mike
‘Account’ should be optional and up until reading your post I believed it was.
All avast! Free updates I have made were not clean installs. Does this make a difference?
BTW, I have interpreted the purpose of ‘Account’ in a fundamentally different way. Though it’s optional, I have registered my customers using my own avast! ‘Account’ credentials. That way I can monitor their machines via my ‘Account’ page and my email address is right there in front of them in the avast! UI.
I install many Avast every day, Since 7 came out, I have had 2 that insist on create account only. Is this a random thing? or is this again added to 7.0.1426. I will find out in a few minutes because I have another clean install going on right now.
I would really like to be able to to register from the Avast GUI by click register and put only name and email like before.
Wonder what happens when you have 600 Free Avast installs tied to 1 account and you get forced into going to paid version because it looks like you have a corporate environment. This could happen if you do this.
It’s actually the contrary. We want people to have as many Free AV’s in their account as possible.
This way, we can e.g. recognize the REAL recommenders and send them t-shirts.
I mean, no problem with associating multiple Free AV’s with the same account at all.
Also worth noting is that while you need the account password to do the initial connection of avast with the account, the password is not stored on the computer and is not requested in the future - meaning that when you hand that computer out to someone, you don’t have to worry that it will compromise your account password.
Well, I have nowhere near 600 avast! users on my account but there is a mix of Free and IS.
Vlk The question remains… Is it a glitch or is it now necessary by design to associate with an avast! ‘Account’ in order to register a new install of avast! Free?
I am a bit confused. I registered my Avast account by filling out the registration form for a license key. That’s what I have been doing for years. Is that creating an account? If I install over the previous Avast 7, will I still need to create an account? Or is this for clean installs only? How is this different? Screenshots to show what is new would help. Thanks!
No it isn’t as the avast account (https://my.avast.com) has only recently been initiated and is independent of the registration. It is a portal where you can monitor/manage the different installations of avast that you might have. You can even do that if you aren’t at your computer, by logging on to the account.
So the avast account thing may not have been up and running when you last registered.
Thanks for the pics! The page is down now for me. But I don’t have a My Avast Account. So it sounds like this will be like a “My Avast Services”/Information" that you can see at one place by logging in.
The page will not be down as such as first you have to have created an account, there should be a sign in or Create Account option from https link that I gave. Once you have an account, then you can link your avast installations to it.
Do you not see anything when using the link I gave ?
See attached to see what Jack 1000 may be seeing below. As I do not have an Avast! account ATM, that fact alone may account for this. Or, maybe, the server is really down?
I just got the IE 8 response, “Page cannot be displayed.” I opened up the Avast GUI just to see what it looks like. Now, I don’t have a “My Avast Account” like I said, so take this with a grain of salt. But it looks like there is going to be an extra step in the On-Line Registration process. Instead of:
1.) Clicking on Register, and filling out the form, with your name and e-mail address and, 'Why did you choose Avast" you click on that form and get your license.
2.) With clean, new installs of this latest version of Avast 7 after you fill out the form, the button to get your license is going to require a user name and password and than when you click the get license button, you will also have access to Avast services.
I think it is sort of like, you know you can register Avast Off-Line as well? This added step I assume is going to allow better e-mail communication for licensing information. I don’t think this applies to installing over a previous version of Avast through a GUI or Program notice update. This is just for new clean installs. My guess is that Avast wants to make people better aware of the Account Services in version 7 through this process.
I guess my question is, what specific advantages does Avast get from the user of this account feature? Another question is what will the Avast customer be able to do through Account Services in the GUI that they could not do before in previous versions? In short, what makes this added registration step worthwhile? (for Avast and the user?)
That’s a great question above! How would business, educational, and government institutions who have worked with Avast for years, use this system if they have thousands to potentially hundreds of thousands to millions of people on a mainframe network? I don’t know if a network admin is going to be thrilled about given out individualized accounts, where many users may need to use a single computer throughout the day. How will this system deal with fresh installs for business and commercial environments?
He apparently just forgot to type in the dot between “my” and “avast”. Vlk, as a precaution, i’d suggest for you to purchase myavast.com domain in order to avoid possible scamming…