I just logged into my avast account on my win 7 computer using my hotmail address. I don’t know how to change my email address on my win 8.1 computer. I was using hotmail on that computer until sometime yesterday afternoon. I’ve tried to change it but so far I haven’t been able to.
I’m now on my win 8.1 computer used hotmail to login to the forum but my account is still showing the yandex email address.
I’m certain we have been here before.
From your my.avast.com account, use your browser not the avast UI to get there. Login, click on your email at the top right of the window - now select Manage Emails, Add a new email address. You will have to validate that address, once done you should be able to change that email to your default email address.
With all of the messing about you have done, creating another account, don’t be surprised if you don’t get this email address is in use, if you have used it before for any account.
I went to avast.com, clicked on my account and it showed my hotmail account. I didn’t have to change anything.
The avast UI still shows my Yandex email address.
Hi -midnight,
Why you opened up a Yandex account, that is Russian, isn’t it?
…or was this created by malware?
First will you please stop editing your posts as I haven’t got a clue as to what was there and what was edited. It makes it very hard to follow and help.
Where are you logging in when it comes up as yandex on your UI ?
You have two PCs you need to link both of them to the hotmail email address my.avast account, even if it means deleting the yandex device on that account. That should allow you to connect that device to the hotmail my.avast.com.
If you think this is confused, it is because I am confused.
I never log out on my forum.avast nor my.avast.com account, so I can come back in without having to log back in.
Hi polonus,
I don’t know if the reason for me creating another account posted on the forum or not. Will check in a few minutes.
Yandex was written in English.
It wasn’t created by malware.
I deleted the yandex account and now the UI shows my hotmail address.
I never logged out of my forum account either. When I restarted my computer yesterday and went to the forum it showed I needed to login but I couldn’t because it was showing a yahoo address than i no longer had access to. That’s the reason I created another account with a new email address. Now both of my computers are connected to my hotmail account.
On the odd occasion when says I need to login I don’t do it on the forum, I connect using my browser (not avastUI) and my.avast.com. If you refresh the forum page after that it should recognise you have logged in from your my.avast.com account.
I uninstalled a program a short while ago which required a re-start. I restarted and went to avast.com and had to login again. I have the sign in set to remember me but for some reason it doesn’t.
As far as I’m aware the remember me requires a cookie or something else and there are occasions when that will expire and may even be forced to require you to login again.
I just had to install the classic shell, which was already installed but no longer worked. Required a restart and once again I had to login. Didn’t remember my password, so I had to click on forgot password and a link was sent to my hotmail account.
Just because it didn’t remember your password, doesn’t mean you have to use the lost password option - there is nothing stopping you manually entering the password yourself.
Remembering the password is or can also be related to your browser.
I think you could have other issues, that may or may not be related to this.