My avast! Account Login Fails on Mobile Device


I have just now downloaded and installed avast! Mobile Security and avast! Mobile Backup.

Now, I already have an avast! Account setup on my PC.

After downloading and installing these two apps, I tapped the “Set up avast! Account” button in the avast! Mobile Backup app, and then tapped the “Sign in with email” button.

I then entered the email address for my avast! Account, and tapped the “Sign In” button.

I was taken to a new page which contained a new field, labelled “Enter the password,” as well as the following message:

“The email address is already used in Enter the password for the account or choose another email address.”

Now, although I know I shouldn’t do this, I have a text file saved on my SD card, containing the password for the account. This is because I have a very long, complicated and secure password with 64 characters. The text file has no leading or trailing spaces, so, in a text editor, I can choose “Select all → Copy” with no possibility of extra unwanted leading or trailing spaces being copied along with the password.

So, I copied and pasted the password into the password field, and tapped the “Sign In” button.

I received the following error message:

“The e-mail or password you have entered is incorrect.”

Now, I am absolutely certain that the e-mail and password are both correct; in fact, as I write this, I am logged into my avast! Account on my PC!

If anyone would be kind enough to give me some advice or suggestions on what to do next, I shall be forever in your debt!

Many thanks in advance for any help or advice!

Thanks and regards to all
Christopher Souter
(Sydney, Australia)