
I have setup an account at at approx 10 am CST today 9 Mar 2012. I clicked on the activation link (capture1), but got the error in capture 2. I tried to login, but got another error. (capture 3) I then tried resetting my password and yet again, got an error. (capture 4)

Can someone please assist me?

Thank you,


The site is giving this error message “Service Temporarily Unavailable”.

I assume the server is down either because of a problem or for maintenance. Let`s be patient :slight_smile:

Down again this morning after having been up for a few hours

Yup,down more than up it seems.

I am still puzzled as to why avast have even set this up, all the content a user sees on that site when it is working is already present in the GUI and 30 day report. What does a user gain from this,it’s just more outbound connections/bandwidth use and unless there is something wonderful hidden somewhere at I and a many others are at a loss as to it’s value ?

Have the same problem here.

I find it useful as I am supporting several remote systems. If the information is kept current it would enable me to see that a remote user has not upgraded to a latest version or has had a virus infection or attempt (activity log). I can see it being useless for someone with only 1 local PC.

I understand what you are saying but there is a problem here in that the information provided on that site is 1) less than you get on the GUI and 2) is not accurate. When I first connected to my 3 machines to the account all machines were continually reported as up to date and protected, my sons machine is off for 5 full days, no connection at all and it is still listed as protected etc. which clearly it is not , the system failed to recognise that his machine had not been online.

I agree it needs lot`s of work but I also understand that this is the first iteration.

I get the error today that my password is wrong…
Also; if your sons machine is off for 5 days; what Avast online is showing you is that the last time that you son’s machine was online (the main source of threats) it was up to date and protected.
I can only assume that it will go to a yellow ? after a while; but only show unprotected if your son’s machine was online and not up to date.
I monitor a few PC’s on the online account; and I wouldn’t want to see “unprotected” next to a PC that hasn’t been switched on for a week… Because it’s not unprotected; it’s fine.

I think it isn’t that you password is wrong, as in the above image, more likely that it is because it can’t be verified as the backend service can’t be accessed.

Is this related to the problem where I cannot register new installs of Avast AV Free?

After clicking “Already have account” and entering my email and password, I get “Service Temporary Unavailable try again later”.
This is not a functional registration system!
I have been having problems registering my customer’s computers for 2 days.
It does not work more than it does.
It is embarrassing to tell them they have to register their new antivirus “later” >:( >:(

Is there an ETA as to when this will be fixed?

working now! for how long? unknown…

Not for me. is currently working for me. I am located in the States.