My Avast Firewall Doesn't Scan Anything (Doesn't work) [Avast IS v7]

I think there is something wrong with my Avast firewall. On my PC it scans bytes in and out however on my laptop it never does anything. Is this usual?

Print screen :

Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit
Avast IS Latest Version
Malwarebytes Pro

No - assuming you are connected to the internet (browsers work, programs update etc) then that does not look right.

First thing I would do is to make sure that windows firewall is turned on (it is compatible with avast firewall) to make sure you have some software firewall protection (you are hopefully behind a router hardware firewall anyway?)

What previous security software/FW did you have on the machine before AIS, and how was it uninstalled? Did you use the manufacurers dedicated uninstaller in windows safe mode? If not, get it from eg here
and do so now.

Then you could try an avast repair - but personally I have never found it to repair anything.

I would remove and reinstall the firewall component.

(i) Control panel-uninstall-AIS-uninstall/change-change-next-uncheck FW component-reboot.

(ii) Then repeat the above but this time check FW component.

If you have ccleaner installed run it between (i) and (ii) until it finds no more registry issues (but that shouldn’t really be necessary). If you do run registry cleaner save its changes when prompted in case you need to restore

Let us know if that works.

(If the above doesn’t work then you could do a complete unintall/reinstall of AIS (with aswclear.exe (download from run in safe mode between the two).

Okay, I will try this now. Thanks.

Alikhan - see them mod to my post - forgot to ask about previous securitiy software

My previous AV was AVG which I uninstalled with the respective tools.

I’ve done what you told me to but It has not made a difference. I’ve even tried the aswclear tool. Anyone need any logs?

So a clean install didn’t solve it either?

What do you see under Firewall/Network connections? Any sign of bytes in or out?

you’d be better off checking actual connections in the connection panel :wink: … other than that Avast uses flash player for animations (graphs etc…), make sure you got it installed (and updated) on the system where you see no apparent traffic - at graph level only.

Which Flash player? Adobe?

Thanks for dropping in to help logos - this is looking beyond me!

(I don’t have flash player installed by the way - so I can’t see avast! traffic history graphs - but I can see the activity display fine - which is what Alikhan seems to be missing)

yes … you know of any other Flash Player ? :wink: (so again Adobe and not any other Linux like replacement)

I have Adobe Flash player but no difference. Updated and rebooted too.

Done a clean uninstall and reinstall with the aswclear tool. No difference.

Whenever I do an avast repair I get this message. Please help. After a reboot, my avast Firewall is gone.

Print Screen :

I’m afraid I’m well out my depth now - but just a thought that might provide info to someone better informed.

After you have uninstalled and run aswclear, what drivers starting asw… are left in C:windows\system32\drivers folder (if any)?

the firewall and the mail shield are the two components that have issues off and on at install time. It’s been like that since V5. say you uninstalled the fw and want it back, chances are that you won’t get it back - module won’t be running - not always the case but most of the time. Then repair won’t help, most of the time … while it does, sometimes … only the devs can help here. Otherwise >>> clean install. Yeah I know, the OP here did a clean install a short while ago :-\

Not a good situation.

Alikhan - If nobody else comes up with any bright suggestions I think you will have to put in a support ticket.

I don’t know what is wrong. There’s no files beginning with asw in the drivers folder. Any devs here who can help?

wait I’ll pm one :wink:
