my avast is messing up

hi when i had avast everytime i click on like settings the word of the settings stay on my desktop only time it will go off is if i restart my computer …it never did this before untell i had to reistall it and thats when it started i try to unstill it and re install it again and its still the same plz let me know whats going on ty…and is that avast 5.0 out yet just let me know what i can do about that avast 4.8 ty

What is your firewall ?

Strange as this seems, this cropped up before (display problems) and it was firewall related.

Even if you aren’t using Kerio it is worth a try as I believe it might help, it certainly won’t hurt.

No version 5.0 isn’t out, but here is where you will find out first.

Igor says the last word here:
Which is your operational system? And how much memory (RAM) do you have?

Your topic link is from August 2006, the one quoted one is from August 2008 two years later, also from Igor, so chronologically this is his last word ;D

i have windows firewall and it never did this before and i have no bugs i had to wipe my pc ou few weeks ago and i got avast back on and thats when it did that about that when i click on setting the word of settings never went off my screen and i had to restart the computer and it went away it dont do it all the time only when i click on a settings thats the only time that it stayed there on my screen ty …

And so?

i have windows xp and i have 512 ram should i try to re install it

I don’t think this is necessary.
Anyway, 512Mb could not be enough and Windows XP could having trouble to manage video display and memory… Does this occur (leftovers on screen) only with avast?

it never did that before i had avast on my computer before i wiped it out and it never did that before i had to wiped it out and i had to wiped it out because of the storm and i put avast back on and it thats when it did that and i have lot of memery on it ty

As I said it won’t hurt to try the SunbeltKPFHack=2 option in avast4.ini regardless if this had happened before or not.

I have to agree with Tech on this one…I have 1 meg and had to get a video card that could manage the display properties
on its’ own. WinXP needs all the memory you can give it. I have always been told that 1meg is the minimum that should be used. Just my 2cents.

ok …but i have lot of memery tho and i redid my avast and its working fine now…

how do i delete my topic on here ty

I have WinXP SP3 running just fine on a 8 year old Dell with the maximum 512Mb that system can take.

“Minimum 1Gb of memory” is venturing into the realm of nonsense.

Sorry to have to disagree with you, but here in Silicon Forest, anything under what I have is considered “nonsense”.
Actually, my system is considered to be pretty antique. Guess it depends on what you have around for comparisons. :slight_smile:

512Mb is perfectly good for XP. My everyday system is now a multi-processor system with 2Gb … is is faster … of course. However I still support folks on uni-processor systems with 512Mb like my old system and they function perfectly well with XP.

“1Gb minimum” is flat simple rubbish.

BTW sorry to advise … once you have made a post your only choice is to edit your posts to remove the content. You (and I) do not have the ability to remove a post entirely.

oh k…i have winxp sp3 and now my avast is ok since i redid it…ty for u guys help how do i close this topic ty

oh k my computer and avast is workiing fine now and… its ok i under stand and i know now days computer have 1 gig and 2 gig and ty for the help