My computer displays Your Avast is activating advanced security features. What?

I have the transformation problem.
I have license for Avast Internet Security. It was transformed into Avast Premium Security license.
I have executed “Repair App”. I have rebooted the computer.
My problem: Every restart display “The computer displays Your Avast is activating advanced security features. Do not turn off your computer

Maybe i have to wait a day, a month, a year … I dont’ think this is possible.

Please mister Asyn, you have already helped me! I am sure You will help me.

Avast Premium Security version: 19.7.2388 (build 19.7.4674.522)
OS: Windows 7 Professional. Avast Cleanup Premium installed.

PS. Must I pay some money for that? Please, specify this clearly!

If your box re-appears after every restart, some process has not completed yet. See the thread link Asyn provided you above for more detail.

Sorry, I did not understand. What is my problem?
I have to wait? Until tomorow?

Please notice that I see Performance monitor. Nothing is executed, I think. No files are to update.
I have notice then AVASSVC is connected with the network address
What is that?

PS. My age is responsible for that curiosity.

Advice: Wait 30 minutes after restart, and if it doesn’t close by itself, then (X) close it. Best advice.

I am sure that exists an explanation for that.
Advanced security features are activated or not?

It seems, MCHAIN, that your answer is not complete. I’m sorry.

I see the same window on my computer and it is never ending.
I do not know what it is activating.
After the latest update to the new program it shows this.
After that update the mail shield will not turn on.
The only advise is to re-install the program.

For all three of my computers, multiple times a day, sometimes saying computer(s) need to be restarted, sometimes not? I dont think so…

And if the processes haven’t completed (aren’t being completed) every time Avast tries to activate them what is the Avast team doing to fix this problem?

It seems to me going by my experience, and others reporting it here as well, that the update process to Avast Premium isn’t working properly when it has to (try to) activate advanced security features numerous times daily.

And yes (before you ask) I have gone through the process of doing a repair install on all three computers, and it hasn’t made any difference, all three computers are still getting this pop up several times a day.

How do we know if Avast has been successfully updated from Internet Security to Avast Premium Security, and if these ‘advanced security features’ are actually working or not? Obviously Avast doesn’t think they are activated, and is continually trying to ‘activate’ them…

What are the security risks if they’re NOT activated?

What are these ‘advanced security features’ that need to be continually ‘activated’?

How do we know if Avast is actually protecting our computers, if it’s continually trying to activate it’s ‘advanced security features?’

As my paid for Avast licences are coming up for renewal in a couple of months, I hope this problem is resolved before then as I may/will need to look at the alternatives…

I am also seing this. And I noticed that when I am playing in warframe my game is like “lagging” on choosing tabs. I tried to reinstall on clean avast and it does not done anything for me. I only install main screens and firewall with sandbox.

The only solution I found was like going to avast free. It fixed my problem with lags on tabs in warframe and fixed the “Your Avast is activating advanced security features.”

I sincerely hope devs will fix it in a week or so.

Same problem. Mine seems to be stuck on this box saying it’s activating advanced features.

Same situation on a Windows 7 machine. After upgrading to the newest Premium version, the box stating “Your Avast is activating advanced security features” pops up every day without end!CPU usage goes up sharply when this occurs as well. After fighting through multiple reinstalls to get the mail shield debacle to work, I’m just about done! As another poster suggested, how do we even know if we’re protected if the program is constantly trying to activate it’s own features? I feel like I need to backtrack to an earlier version, because this is garbage. Had I known that upgrading your product would result in so much wasted time and effort I would never have renewed my subscription this month. I’ve since gone back to the older Avast internet security until this gets resolved, as I have no idea what that incessant warning box is trying to tell me. Apparently nobody else does either.

One more note, I did a complete removal of Avast internet security, ran the Avastclear utility in safe mode, and installed the avast_premium_security_setup_online.exe file. My issues were not caused by an upgrade, but a clean install.

I’m receiving it now, its been 30 mins since it doing the activation but it doesn’t close. What’s happening here?

UPDATE: It’s now close, what I did is I updated the program in the system tray, update > program. Then it close, that’s weird and not sure what’s been activated.

Have you restarted your computer?