my computer infected WIN32: small.k please help me

I used avast! home but it cannot find this virus. I try to use Active Virus Shield to scan it. the report show " Win32: small.k" Can I kill them with avast?

I’m sorry I have a little skill in english, I’m from Thai

:slight_smile: Hi :

 This appears to be a "Hijacker" or a "Trojan" and NOT a "virus"; therefore you should use
 a product that more easily finds and quarantines "things" like this ; do you have either an
 antiSPYWARE or an antiTROJAN program on your computer ?  It would also be helpful
 IF you told us the NAME of your Operating System .

Active Virus Shield is not compatible with avast.
You must use just one at once. I mean, uninstall one to install the other.
It Active Virus Shield detects the virus, it can remove (quarentine) it. :wink:

Hi K8,

Instructions for win32 small.k manual removal here:
