My new registration key won't work.

Hi, in win98se I can’t get updates because a message keeps coming up that the reg number is invalid or out of date even though I just registered and put in the new number.

did you use copy/paste? if not check the number to make sure you did not make a typing error


Mac is correct. The best way to enter the registration number is to cut and paste. Avast is sensitive to spaces, dashes and capitals.

Silly question, but have you had Avast for more than 12 months?
Then the key will not work. A new registration will be required.

If you copy and paste and it still does not work,l et us know.


Silly question, but have you had Avast for more than 12 months?

techie let me awnser that question

though I just registered
he just got it

I copied and pasted, but still no luck. Then I uninstalled and installed. Still no luck. ???

OK I found it. The date on my computer was set to the year 2014. I’ll check with the kids to see what they were doing. (Do you really think I’ll get an answer) :(.

Glad you figured it out. No wonder avast didn’t like the key in this case! :wink:

OK I found it. The date on my computer was set to the year 2014.

Who found it? Modest aren’t you. :wink:

The only reward I get on the forum is an occasional thank you and a little credit for providing good assistance. The solution for your key code problem was the same one that caused your problem with staying signed in on the Forum.;action=display;threadid=2786;start=new

Now, I wonder how that got solved. ???


Rotcoddam, if you are using Windows XP, I suggest you let your kids only with ‘user’ privilegies and not ‘administrator’ ones :wink:

Off course, there is a way to dig into this setting but I’ll post only if you want to :wink: