I have been use avast for many years,but yesterday,something upset me,yesterday,I log on my online banking account as usual,suddenly,i found something strange,my online banking accouting has no money,but I remeberd I had just deposited €10,000 in my account a few days ago,this amazed me,i just thought someone use my account for"washing money",a friend recommend i do a virus scan,i did so,but avast detect nothing,i turn to avira antivir,antivir detect 10+trojan and virus,it included zeus,i think my account password has been stolen by the hacker use the trojan,and then transfer my money to his account,during this period avast still detect nothing until i found my online banking accounting is empty,I’m disappionted about avast,your should improve your detection!!!
no security program have 100% detection
can you post Avira scan log so we can see what was detected?
sorry, the system crash during the avira scan,but i remeber avira detect many trojan that avast can’t detect it,I
reinstall the system,so I can’t provide the avira scan log
Actually,even Avira misses a lot more than avast misses…avira free can let in a lot of stuff with no web guard that avast doesnt.
More ever,Avast! or avira cannot provide 100% security and you need to excerise self caution which is most important…if you dont do that then get ready to be infected even with any AV around
So its not the problem with detection rates…its the problem with relying on your AV to protect you a 100% without you having layered security.
Avast! detection rates are very good…I have tested so Malware Packs and other things with it in my VM and trust me its damn good. ;D
I don’t agree with you,although avira free without webguard,yet it has a stronger Monitoring capabilities than avast ,avast has excellent detection in file detetion test in the AV-comparatives,but it got a lower detection in the dymatic test and proactive test,according to av-comparatives, but the avira is better in these field,showing that avast is Vulnerable to unkown malware,so I’d like to use avira ,for the sake of the unsecurity feeling of using avast
Really!? wbear…you are trusting something like AV-C…They dont have any sole proof that they really tested products…
More ever,when i test avast with malc0de database and many other sources it does better than avira.
Avast! has more features and is much better with unknown malware with its sandbox and filerep
Thats a better proof right there…More ever,there is better explanation on test methodology there than on AV-C
Avast! has 161+ million users…more than avira…explains why avira is not good.
Just to add…dont forget the history of AV-C:
The question that arises here:
How can I trust Something Like this?? ;D
What makes me wonder is how you managed to get infected by several trojans in the first place. I mean, i’ve often tried using heavily outdated VM system and intentionally tried infecting my system, yet apart from few simple toolbars, i never managed to do so.
Only real infection vectors are cracks from unverified sources and even there, 90% of them are probably clean…
and just to add… Shadowserver is no test… but live
Correct,RejZoR…If you dont wanna excercise self caution…stay offline,dont plug in USB’s etc
In a indirect way,dont use your PC
I perhaps enter into a website contain malware which pretend to be normal and infected with a trojan downloader,download many trojan to our computer (include ZEUS),SO MY ACCOUNT MONEY has been stolen by the hacker use the trojan
Follow this guide:
Attach all logs here and then essexboy will help you with the removal part
Next,time remember: without self caution you will be infected with anything irrespective of the AV you have…And not to trust something like AV-C who have no proof of did they test or not
so it seems…anyway i guess the bank will take the loss… at least thats how it is done in my country
the system crash, i have to reinstall it, every trace have been removed
the system crash, i have to reinstall it, every trace have been removed
Good for you then and Next time,dont forget to exercise self caution while browsing the internet.
After so many Posts here on this topic…I leave the AV choice to you.
Just to add…dont forget the history of AV-C:
http://forums.comodo.com/melihs-corner-ceo-talkdiscussionsblog/avcomparativesorg-bullying-and-financial-deals-with-anti-virus-vendors-t78869.0.htmlThe question that arises here:
How can I trust Something Like this?? ;D
I think it just a misunderstanding,comodo perform well in the avc’s single product,it have to pay (1500-2000)euro to avc,in order to save 500 euro,comodo request not to make it public,then avc reply to comodo,AVC will notice outsider comodo request not to make it clear if comodo want to do like this,the comodo join the single product test,but not want to make the result public,comodo believe that the avc is try to blackmail it,it just a normal process,but comodo exaggerate the purpose of AV-comparatives
Who said??COMODO performed well in AV-C single product test?? Btw! COMODO never ever trusts AV-C…
And btw…avast has 161+ million users…and that’ enough to convince me…I have tried Avira before and the program crashes a lot…and their signatures are not enough against the links I throw at it from different sources like Malc0de MBL etc.So I stick and still recommend avast!
Btw: http://www.mrg-effitas.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/MRG-Effitas-Flash-Tests-Project-2012-Zero-Hour.png
,comodo believe that the avc is try to blackmail it,it just a normal process,but comodo exaggerate the purpose of AV-comparativesIt's a complex carried over from the Great Melih and reflected throughout their forum. ;D