When i started my PC running windows 7 it hang at start-up then blue screen then restart again.when i start with safe mode it hang at CLASSPNP.SYS and restarts

hey and welcome to the forum. please follow this guide go to the instruction after if you can’t boot your computer and attach a frst log

a malware expert will help you from there.

OK i scan with FRST and i have attached may it could be some help

also attach FRST Additions.txt log

From the reatogo desktop select command prompt
At the prompt type the following and enter

chkdsk c: /r

Then try a normal boot

@essexboy tried that but not working

Could you please try attaching the other logs? Thank you.

ATTENTION: Software hive is missing. this is the problem…

Could you go to this thread and run the OTLPE boot option From If you cannot Boot the computer

i scan again but can get additions.txt but only frst.txt even after additions txt ticked in frst. here i attached

Your c drive is not visible…

From the reatogo desktop select command prompt and type in the following

chkdsk c: /r

If this should fail then I am afraid you are looking at a re-install

i tried this " chkdsk c: /r" but still not working

Unfortunately there is nothing I can do. From the Reatogo desktop are you able to see the files on your C drive. If so I would suggest you backup what you need and re-install windows

nope cant see drive c in Reatogo desktop , so remaining option is to reinstall .there is very important data that i need,i think i will wait a few days or weeks maybe somebody will come with something or at least on how to get the data then i can reinstall, thank you so much for your kind help!

If the drive is not visible then I do not feel you will be able to recover the data