my profile ???? Resolved

How do I block my e-mail from showing up in my profile every time I post ???

Hi marc-d-l

Please try this:
Click the Profile tab at the top of the screen,
Select Account related settings
Put a tick in the box ‘hide email address’

That should solve it for you.


Doesn’t work

Your email is hidden, so you have the settings correct. When you look at it, you will see your own email. So you have done it correctly.

If you feel that your issue is now resolved/fixed, please go back to the open post in this topic, click the modify button in that Post and change the title/subject, add [Resolved] to the beginning of the title so this thread can be closed. Thank you.

Have no fear as your email is only visable to Moderators of the forum. :slight_smile:

It’s hidden.
It’s visible to you when signed in. And no-one else except the mods.

Thanks folks. Sometime I can make myself feel pretty stupid. ::slight_smile:

It helps when people help.