My Protection behavior => Deny phone setting access doesn’t work and Deny phone setting acess doesn’t work
Pleas help me to fix it as it makes the software more lightly to be removed. Because if you can acess the phone settings you can remove anti- theaft from the device administrators and can delete it if you know the hiden name of the product witch is easy to find in the device admistrator settings.
what do you mean by “it doesnt work”? please describe more detailed.
Altough it is activated I can still acces my settings. It was always locked. I couldn’t acces it if the settings were locked in ant-theft. Can you please get it back the way it was?
I want the settings to be locked all the time. I wil just send n lost command to it then the settings wil be locked
settings are not locked by default. only if phone is lost or sim is not trusted!