My settings seem to be NOT saved . .

Every time there is an update to Avast!, not just the data base, my settings in “Security/AntiVirus” all shields need to be redone. I thought they were being saved in an *.INI file.

Did you update via the GUI? Or did you do a clean install?
You should be able to “back-up” settings via GUI>Settings>Maintenance. :slight_smile:

I too have dual noids.

Automatic updates as I have been using Avast! for many years. Am on the current version with the latest virus update done this morn. Clean intalls have been done before and have always checked my settings, most of the time they are still set. The latest update needed to be reset.
Did not check all of those features when checking for Settings, have done the Settings/Maintenance/Back up settings.
Thank you for pointing this out to me . .

You’re welcome. 8)