Help! I am a website noob but I did have malware on my website (stillerfinancial[.]com) and have since deleted it and rebuilt it. From a number of other sites it appears to be cleaned but it is still marked in Avast. How do I get rid of this? Any help would be amazing. I’ve reported it as being clean in the software but that hasn’t changed anything.
Get dedicated hosting.
Here is a major problem :
Vulnerable libraries used :!/scan/2c7f48935cab6f4ca65cde2cc6699a285a12530e4123b850fa98a08c35d84ce9
There is abuse via that GoDaddy IP: avast detecting HTML:Script-inf for instance, allso spearfishing performed from that IP.
Apart from the IP issues, there is what Eddy reports and moreover: with a meagre F-status and recommendations.
3 issues here: (same origin policy not endangered).
polonus (volunteer website security analyst and website error-hunter)
the domain will be unblocked in next Streaming update (10 minutes).