My website is still in the URL Blacklist, why?


My company website rjhome .fr was hacked and added to the Avast URL Blacklist.

The issue was fixed and on August 29th 2024, my website passed the Google Search Console exam test.

Could you remove my website from the Avast URL Blacklist or tell me what I can do please?



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Welcome to the forums.

You can also submit it to which checks against a large number of antivirus programs - this is a scan of your - VirusTotal scan of your domain

So there is a small number that detect something.

Possible False Positive - New location to report both a False Positive and or a False Negative (for File or URL) - Choose Your Sample Submission Type | Avast


Hello David,

Thank you for your quick feedback.

I already submitted my url on virustotal I saw false positive remaining (5/95).

When available, I completed the false positive forms.

Thank you for sharing the Avast False Positive/Negative form because I struggled to find it… It is now completed.



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You’re welcome.

Note: Avast doesn’t send an email response but tries to investigate it within 48 hours. If it is considered a false positive then it would be removed from virus database.

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