myavast offline

I was wondering if anyone knows why, when I log into Myavast 90% of the time under my devices it will have the main computer as “Secured offline” wth the little red dot even though im online and active, and yet a tablet I have also in the list will remain Secured regardless of being online or not or even powered off.

Also another thing I noticed is that it states “Licences Free user” even though Im running Avast Internet Security.

If anyone knows the cause of these minor issues I would appreciate a heads up.
Happy new year to all

Open Avast Interface select account. Sign out if you are signed in. Open remove your pc from devices. Now again open account from avast security interface select account. Select sign in option and check remember me now sign in. Hope it helps.

Removing all temporary files on your system may also help.

Thanks for the reply. Iv tried both suggestions and still no change. Still says “Secured Offline” and Licences “you are a free user”.

Any other suggestions greatly appreciated


Online/Offline states work only for Windows devices and we update the state during the automatic updates check. Do you have automatic updates turned on?