MySpace buys Photobucket for more than $275 million

Wow, didn’t really see this one coming. Less than a month after blocking access to Photobucket videos, MySpace has changed tactics and purchased the photo and video hosting site for over $275 million.
While Photobucket and MySpace had a history of fighting, the two always played well together from a user perspective, with Photobucket hosting many of the images users post on their MySpace pages.
Photobucket was reportedly seeking $300 million, although TechCrunch reports that the final figure was a bit short of that.
The company has been on the market since March. And apparently that dispute over MySpace blocking Photobucket videos was what led the two companies to sit down at the table for talks. And wouldn’t you know it, once that happened they realized they were made for one another all along. Isn’t that sweet?

Hi drhayden1,

Well if that is sweet has just to be seen. It is a corporate world today, and it is about size, not about innovation and creativity. Conservatism is the word, no the theme is consolidation and growth.
But not many see the sign of the times. Big fish that eat the smaller fishes. Everything is incorporated.
Sometimes I can yearn for the days of resource engineering, tinkering and fair use, but these seem long gone,


hi polonus :wink:
image uploaded from myspace-photobucket :o

goats now huh!polonus ::slight_smile:

I wonder just how this might affect us free users of photobucket in the future, I have about 30 images up there and there would be an awful lot of red Xs in the forums if they go.

You have to wonder how they are going to recover their $275 investment, yes there might well be many paying photobucket accounts but the greatest majority I would think are like me free accounts.

I reckon MySpace got photobucket for a song at $275 million. In my opinion the best picture hosting site online . Hope MySpace don’t muck it up , nothing but a collage of disfunctional problem riddled ego inspired blogs ; surprised MySpace has endured this long . Corporate Monopoly is the name of the game as polonus suggests , hopefully Photobucket will remain a user friendly media host as it has always been.

I have a paid account with Photobucket. They never mentioned anything about MySpace… :frowning:

Sorry Dan,
Moved to Interesting

aren’t you a little off topic on this subject bob or did you forget to put on your glasses ;D
and what’s going to happen with my 50 million( :o )uploads on photobucket-all these little red X’s i’m gonna have ::slight_smile:

Sorry Dan, Moved to Interesting
nothing to be sorry about(just don't let it happen again ;D :D ;))