National Institute of Standards and Technology bans Vista

Hmm… Along with recent announcements by both the U.S. DOT, and FAA, there seems to be a trend developing here:

I would assume that this has to be of great concern for Microsoft. Do you think that it could eventually mean the abandonment of Vista?

I must say thats pretty straight forward :slight_smile:
I am actually wondering now that I have read the article :slight_smile:

Thanks for the Info OrangeCrate


Hi Orange Crate,

Is this just a wrinkle in Microsoft’s big pool, or a serious drawback what I doubt to be so? As Vista is far more restrictive in its use as all the previous Windows platforms were, and we are nearing a situation where we come to a split between the two philosophies. As Big M$ seems only to bet on one horse, we will see the tendency only will deepen. Decisions like these only shows how quickly these developments are taken place. It is being brought upon us in a gigantic tempo, and it will end where they wanna go the pay per click content machine owned by BigMedia and BigM$. Better would be the “best of both worlds”, but if there is reason enough to go round, I doubt it.


I guess we’ll just have to wait till after their meeting on April 10 to find out
the answer to this unsubstantiated claim. :slight_smile:


You’re right, and I don’t see that philosophy changing anytime soon. There’s negative press pretty much everyday now on Vista, and frankly, I’m beginning to think that in the long history of Microsoft’s operating systems, Vista will eventually be compared to the Millennium Edition. Used by many who got it when they bought a new box, but disliked over it’s entire product life. We’ll see…