nbabite dot site used to be blocked by Avast’s Web shield for reason “URL:Spam” as recently as a few days ago. I went there today and now it no longer produces an alert and allows me to access the site. The web shield still works on the Eicar test site and I don’t have anything added to my Exceptions list. Can I safely assume that nbabite dot site was removed from Avast’s list of Spam websites?
It is never safe to assume, but sites get effective and site clean up - all you can assume is that Avast no longer detects it, but we users won’t know why. Site clean up or possible FP.
Is this a site that you regularly connect to ?
I used to every so often to deliberately produce the WebShield alert (in addition to Avast’s and Eicar’s test web pages) and when I went to it yesterday I didn’t get the alert. It’s a relatively safe site (used for streaming NBA games) that, as you can guess, would be contain pop ups and Ads, hence why it was probably categorized under ‘Spam’ by Avast. But even now when I go to it now, they only have the relevant links to games on today and not a bunch of other links to click. So maybe the website itself cleaned up.
There are also times when I’m on legit websites (e.g. USA Today’s website), they’ll occasionally trigger the Webshield alert due to a third party link that might be on one webpage but not another on the same website, if that makes sense. So I guess it just depends on what Ads are being shown (that make its way through AdBlock Plus) or cookies are being used.
Sites that have multiple 3rd party links are likely to be more susceptible as avast doesn’t just check the site domain.
So when you open a page any active links to 3rd party site would also be checked.