Hi all, I need some advice on Registry Cleaner as I know Registry Cleaner normally do harm more than good. :-\
But I can’t stand with my laptop (Vista SP2, Intel Core 2 Duo T6400, 2GHz, 4GB) boot + loading time about 2 min +. >:( (My desktop take less than 1 min - spec in sig)
I don t personally recommend registry cleaners, as you said they can do more harm than good,
Here you can read this topic about registry cleaners >>What the tech forum
Use a registry cleaner only after you have checked for and eliminated all the normal causes of slow startup.
This will typically be to do with the number of programs that also start with Windows. Most of them don’t need to.
On a laptop, there will typically also be a number of programs installed by the manufacturer. Most people do not need these programs.
I am using Vista. When I click Control Panel > Change Startup Programs, it lists a lot of startup programs which I think I do not need to. But the problem is the Remove/Disable/Enable buttons are all in grey meaning I can’t click on them :-\
Malwarebytes do the same work as SuperAntiSpyware Free for sure like one of my friend in Youtube told me. He is from freepcsecurity and he also rated Avast! great with Malwarebytes
Your Java seem also to be out dated so you should upgrade him there a new version its Update 14.
Also remember that Windows Defender will be disabled later so yeah i know you cant uninstall it but let it like that and i think they will make like a update which its will uninstall it if im sure.
I got like the same OS and for me its still start very fast too.
Yes ? Malwarebytes got also Registry Clean too but only from infections lol. Well its up to you. I just can say you can go to the C: and right click do Propriety. Then do a Disk Clean so delete everything on it. Also go to your C: again then double click then go to your Windows Folder then click on Temp then delete all on it. Also go to your User click on your user actived + Go into up at the left you will see organised then select it go to view then Click on View all files and folders hiding. Then go to AppData then go to Local then go to Temp and delete all there. After that u can go to Organised and View then click on Hide all files and folders hiding. So now its will return like its was.
Sorry for double post but i think Tech if he want to do it manually to clean his registry i think he can do regedit on the run and delete everything on it right ?
err… ok. my notebook use KIS, SAS Pro, MBAM Free and Adaware Free. All reported bugs free.
I have cleared all temp files etc. Plus I just disable all Acer related and Google Update. I restart and the boot time almost the same not much difference still > 2 min. :-\
Maybe my processor T6400 is 2 min+ and E4500 is < 1 min (Industrial standard ?) :-\
Thanks from rdmaloyjr’s info in “if computer seems to be running slow”, he mentioned about WinPatrol. I tried it and very like it. Throw 100 bucks to buy PLUS (3.5 exchange currency). Now I can use WinPatrol PLUS for both my laptop & deskstop with a single license. With the PLUS info help, now i rescheduled all my startup program delayed ranging from 1 min to 8 min and my laptop can boot in less than 1 min. :-*
@Conogo: I would also suggest running a defrag on your system. Best way to go about it(with windows defrag) is to start your computer in safe mode, run command prompt and enter these commands:
defrag -b c:
This will trigger a boot optimization run … Note: You won’t actually see anything running but you will know when it’s finished when it jumps to the next line. You can also start Task Manager and observe the disk usage in Resource Monitor(task manager - performance - resource monitor) .
defrag -v -w -f c:
This will trigger a full defrag of c: …
These are the commandline switches for windows defrag:
-c Defragments all volumes on this computer.
Don’t specify a drive letter while using this.
-a Performs fragmentation analysis only.
-r Performs partial defragmentation (default). Attempts to
consolidate only fragments smaller than 64 megabytes (MB).
-w Performs full defragmentation. Attempts to consolidate all file
fragments, regardless of their size, even 64 MB files.
-f Forces defragmentation of the volume when free space is low.
A volume must have at least 15 % free space before Disk Defragmenter
can completely defragment it.
-i This makes Defrag run in the background, and operate only if the
computer is idle, like when run as a scheduled task.
-b Optimizes boot files and applications only. Use this option
during a separate defrag operation.
-v Specifies verbose mode. The defragmentation and analysis output
is more detailed.
Should get some more speed when you do this …
BTW the full defrag can take quite some time to finish …
KIS (Kaspersky Internet Security) is by all accounts a little heavy on resources as reported in some posts by ex KIS users. Presumably you only use KIS on your laptop and not KIS and avast as that would be a major no, no and aside from possible conflict would slow your system.
I would suggest you dump ad-aware as it really isn’t in the top flight of anti-spyware any more, considering you have resident protection in SAS Pro and you have also added WinPatrol Plus.