Need help please!

ok you know when you first install Avast! Antivirus(Home) then you reboot then it scanns your computer for virus b4 windows boots well is there anyway to do that when ever you want or need im running windows xp professional sp1 + all other updates

Thx, Chad.

Yes, it is - go to the main menu of the Simple User Innterface and select “Schedule Boot-Time Scan”.

Thanks alot! sorry im new to this :slight_smile:

Chad (and others) - there´s on-line help in avast!, did you know? :wink:

no remeber your the professional here im stupid :cry:

hey do i get avast pro for being so stupid? lol i wish!!


I´m sorry if I affronted you. It wasn´t my aim, really. I was just disenchanted that people ask for informations that are described in avast! help file (which I am author).

I don´t think you´re stupid (nor I am the professional), but if you are new to avast!, you should read the help - the things about avast! become clear (I hope).

no no i was being stupid lol sorry i been up all night :smiley:

Don’t hesitate to ask us here, it’s lunch time and odpad is lazy to devote you :).