Yesterday I ran Avast and malwarbytes as I usually do and found nothing. Later that day my computer began to be a little slow to be safe I ran Avast again, this time it found 6 rootkits something about winsxs. When trying to remove them it said access denied.I then restarted and rescan it found nothing, malwarebytes found nothing either. The only thing I did different was I had windows update going and avast hoping to get both done at the same time. I am wondering do I really have rootkits? I’m concerned because I have family pictures and other information on my computer? or did avast simply have an issue with a program or windows update? Also I did back up my files and did a factory reset I did more scans after that and found nothing again.
I have no idea why this got posted so many times can a mod delete all the topics but this one? Firefox simple froze and didnt show it post. sorry about that
There is something wrong with the posting on avast… not your fault.
Most likely if your scans found nothing, something, nothing… then it’s nothing and was probably the windows update install. Never run a scan while you’re installing cuz you’re bound to get strange results.
The browser freeze upon posting seems to be another “feature” you get from Avast…
You’re not alone !
Oh I had no idea what happened, so you guys think my computer is fine afterall?
Yes it is a forum bug that is a real pain in the rear.
Duplicates have been removed.
this time it found 6 rootkits something about [b]winsxs[/b]. When trying to remove them it said access denied.remeber what day it was ...... Patch Tuesday
if you run a scan just after win update avast will give this strange detection… have no idea why but it has been like this for some time
if you reboot after this and scan again it should be gone
I am new to avast so I had no idea about a patch Tuesday at all. I also didnt know that running it with windows update would cause problems. So I guess its safe to assume there was no rootkit actually on my computer?
I am new to avast so I had no idea about a patch Tuesday at all.patch Tuesday has nothing to do with avast ..... but Bill Gates and Microsoft :)
So I guess its safe to assume there was no rootkit actually on my computer?correct ;)
Derp now I feel stupid,thanks for the help though.
I'm concerned because I have family pictures and other information on my computerAlways have a backup of at least data. You drive can fail, your house can burn down etc. Hopefully it never will happen, but it sure can happen.
outlook and Gmail give free 15GB online storage with all accounts
Yeah I’ll make sure to do that incase I somehow get a virus or anything else happens. I’ll buy a flash drive tomorrow and put all my pictures and my college stuff on there, thanks again guys.
There is a problem with using a flash drive.
People keep it in the same house (often even in the same room) as where the system is.
If the house burns down, the flash drive is also lost.
and if you plug it in to a friends computer or use it at a intenet cafe … it may get infected :-\
but we have a tool that will prevent that