Need help uninstalling SafeZone browser

Windows 10.

I tried to uninstall through Apps & Features > Uninstall. It looked like it went through the process and even got to the area asking why I chose to uninstall. The icon disapeared from Apps & Features, but the icon was still in my programs area AND if I click it, it launches the browser.

I tried using the Avast uninstall tool

Still same result. Goes through the uninstall process, asks my why, but when done, the program is still here.

Please help.

Did you (possible) do a modified install of ASZB, as in installing it on a secondary drive other than drive C:?

SafeZone or Secure Browser ??? There is a difference.
If you still have the SafeZone browser, you can’t remove it with the Secure Browser removal tool.

It is SafeZone Browser.

It is installed on my main C drive.

C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\SZBrowser

It is strange as it looks like there are a few install attempts in this single folder.

Is this a 32-bit version or 64-bit? Looks as if it is installed in Program Files, not Program Files (x86) folder.

There is no 64 it version. :slight_smile:
Since this is still the old SafeZone Browser, it should be listed under the components.
Please don’t confuse the two. They are totally different products.

Sorry, did not make it clearer.

Program Files folder in a 64-bit system is not 32-bit, but 64-bit. Program Files (x86) folder is 32-bit. Just noting the browser installation(s) is in the 64-bit Program Files folder if the operating system is 64-bit. Yes, ASB is only availble in 32-bit versions.

Which is precisely the point.

Avast is also only 32 bit and it’s in Program Files. :slight_smile:

Cool. Any thoughts on how to uninstall it?

I don’t mean to be obtuse, but I am confused by the last response. It is pointing me back to this thread. I have re-read it and I don’t see to see the answer on how to install it. I apologize if I am missing it.

SafeZone browser is a component within Avast. Remove it under Settings> Components

Awesome! That was it. Thank you for your help!

You’re welcome. :slight_smile: