Need Help With Automatic Virus Detection!!!!

I think ashquick.exe is not running and the also Avast doesnt run automically when I start windows. Obviously I dont have an automatic virus detection when I’m online.

I think this is caused by a hacker.

Somebody can help me?

Well hackers most certanly really don’t care about your PC. Maybe those stupid script kiddies,but no one else :wink:

If you want to know if the avast! On-Access is running in background,than click on that blue ball with letter “a” next to the clock with left mouse button and check if all providers are running.

ashQuick.exe is not required for On-Access to work,since this program is almost like command-line scanner and not a real-time engine.

If you don’t see any ball next to the clock,try to check the disk for viruses with some on-line scanner from my webpage (… Also make sure you uninstalled any previously installed antivirus software.

Well HacKers as such won’t be interested in your Computer but ya never know what ya got on ya hard drive that someone might want, BUT!! they may be interested in using any rescources available to go through your internet connection to hide track’s. just set every thing on highest settings and hope for the best. There’s always a backdoor, especially with windows XP(ploited) and if you are peer 2 peer downloading well your fate is in the hands of the gods. But sayin that ya have got one of the best AV progs around (if not the best) so just set it high and hope 4 the best.

If you phoned for a pepperoni pizza and got an hawaian, would ya be happy? peer 2 peer ya get 1% of what ya ask 4 and 99% of what ya didn’t.

The problem is that there is no blue ball with an “a” icon next to the clock. Why is so?

Did you installed avast! and restarted machine?
If you did,and you still don’t have those blue balls next to the clock,than download my External Control tool (you can get it on my page or in my signature).
Run my tool and check whats on first (status) page of the program.

If it says Ready and running for both On-Access Protection and iAVS,than its ok and you’re missing only a icon in trey.
You can also try Enable or Auto-Restart function. It migh help :slight_smile:

OK got it!
Thanxs, it seems everything is running ok.
Anyway, is there someway to get the system tray icon back?

The forums contain a lot of information that is available to all through the Search Button at the top of each page. A search for ‘system tray icon’ without the quotes would probably return some useful information.

In the meantime this thread is active and about this subject -;action=display;threadid=4573;start=0

HTH - David

Generally speking, repairing avast installation could solve this:

Control Panel > Add/Remove programs > Change/Modify > Repair option


Control Panel > Add/Remove programs > Uninstall

You can take a look here for a full description of the settings:;board=2;threadid=1647

See ResidentBalloonShown=1 value :wink: