Hi i love avast but there is one major issue!! when i use the right click on anything the icon of the process stays there and i cant get it to go away! for example, right now i have the Click to restore program button on top of this window right now and it wont go away. HELP ME. Oh also one more thing for some reason i have to click the avast icon and it loads using the start up scanner and when it finishes it closes and then when i click it again it loads up again using the startup scanner and then it works fine. any help would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. i use windows xp x64 (64bit windows xp)

Do you use Kerio - or any other firewall?

I use nvidia fire wall but that i dont like it and i cant disable it for some reason.

Does this help?


Click on the “this” in chocholo’s. It a link to a post that may help you.

well i dont know how to enter it in the registry. i went to regedit and then i couldnt find it under software. this has ahappend before only some things go under the registry when i know there should be more things under software and stuff like that.

  1. Donwload the reg file.
  2. Right click it and choose ‘Add’ to registry (or whatever it is the English translation for this operation). It is on the top of the context menu (and it’s not ‘Edit’).

there is no file to download just text. or im just stupid and missing something

Hey killaj,

Right-click on the link and choose save target as… than you should be able to download the file and enter it in the registry.

Hope this helps

Follow, Hawk suggestion or open the file as text and save it as *.reg file. Then right-click the file and import it to Registry.