Hello Guys, I just want to raise up some concern regarding to the problem that I am encountering to my PC. I am using windows XP for now and when my anti-virus detected this stop-virus.vbs worm then it already started to pop-out this message to my desktop screen…cannot find script file “c:\Docu~1\Admini~1\Locals~1\Temp\Stop-virus.vbs”… Everytime I open my PC this is already the message that pop put to my screen. Can you help me resolved this problem. I hope I can resolved this problem as soon as possible. Thanks a lot.
mail me the suggestions to konda_santhoshkumar@yahoo.com
http://C:\Documents and Settings\KUMAR\Desktop.post-11-1297029804.jpeg
Very Thanks For The Reply…Ive Downloaded MALWARE BYTES ANTI MALWARE & Scanned The System…It Detected 23 Malicious Items In my Laptop…Thanks a Lot For The Suggestion…But Still The Problem Persists I.e It Is Still Showing Me PoPOut Message When I Start My Laptop
The Message Is Like This : cannot find script file “c:\Docu~1\Admini~1\Locals~1\Temp\Stop-virus.vbs”…
So Please Mail me The Suggestions What Ive To Do To OverCome This Problem…maybe you can help me To Solve My “strange” problem
Mail Me Ur Suggestions @ konda_santhoshkumar@yahoo.com
Awaiting For Ur Valuable Reply