HI I was wondering if I could ask a question about Windows 8 and what programs I can use to scan for viruses and malware infection with. Tonight a lady that I now told me that she has a windows 8 desktop computer and she is not sure whether it has a virus on it. She told me that her computer is really slow though and she would like it if I would take a look at her computer sometime. My question is this I now malwarebytes free works in Windows 8 because I have a windows 8 laptop what I am not sure of is does Otl or ambr work in windows 8 to be able to scan for viruses and other malware on Windows 8 as of yet.
I was also wondering does adwcleaner work on Windows 8 as well?
If Otl does not work is their any other program that would beable to scan for viruses on Windows 8?
Thanks very much for your time and advice as always.