Hi everyone!
My site hxxp://shemybiseropletenija.ru is now blocked by Avast antivirus, and all checks shows me that everything is okay and there is no viruses on the site. Please check it ones more and help me with my site!
Break that link to live malware. Site has a trojan: http://zulu.zscaler.com/submission/show/fe5390be4897f44ebcdcda8dcbc65f0d-1334443286
Sucuri: http://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/shemybiseropletenija.ru
See attachment #1 for the line the malware is on. See attachment #2 for deobfuscation results.
This common malware checks for the site used to get to your site. Based on the results it, will either redirect or do null.